Written by : By LiveHappy

What People Are Saying About Live Happy

Readers weigh in about how Live Happy has affected their lives.


I Just wanted you to know what a difference Live Happy magazine made the other day. I have a friend who suffers from clinical depression. This lovely lady has gone through thyroid cancer and a rough divorce. It has been a long two years for her.

Long story short—she has a really old, ugly blue bathrobe that appears whenever she is depressed and teary. She is normally a classy lady, so the bathrobe is really not her style…I have been trying to get her get rid of it, burn it, whatever, for a year and a half. It just symbolizes her sadness.  

This week I brought her the latest copy of Live Happy.Soon after, she texted me that she had read the magazine cover to cover in one night. More importantly, she had thrown the blue bathrobe in the garbage! She asked to see my two summer issues, so I ran to give them to her.

It sounds like a small thing, but it is a huge step for her—a step in the right direction! The battle of the blue bathrobe is over and won. Thank you for all you do to brighten peoples lives.

—Laura M.






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